Join Our Post-Thanksgiving 2-Day Detox Cleanse!

Let’s say you over-indulged over Thanksgiving. Who hasn’t?

This cleanse will help your body rest, reset, and re-energize. With pure, cold-pressed juices packed with vital nutrients, our gentle cleanse supports natural detoxification without harsh ingredients or complicated steps.  Join our collective community and manage the damage with an easy two-day cleanse.

What Do I Need to Do?

Order online here or head into any Arden’s Garden Store and pick up
bottles of our Two-Day Detox. Reminder! We’re open on Sundays, so try to pick it up before we start
Monday morning!

Yikes! Can I do it?

Sure you can! We got you! This is a community effort! You aren’t alone. We’ll be cleansing together and sharing our experience on social media by tagging @ArdensGardenATL and #ArdenClub. Our CEO Leslie is cleansing right along with you and dozens of Arden’s Garden employees. Sign up for our mailing list below, and we’ll send you tips, tricks, and support throughout the two days!

What’s the Date Again ?

Monday, December 2nd to December 3rd. It’s just two days! You will not believe how fantastic and energized you will feel going into the holidaze!

We are excited to see your progress! Use #ArdenClub #CommunityCleanse and tag us @ArdensGardenATL!

Follow us!
Lose Weight.
Lose Weight.
Lose Weight.